You probably remember that day very well. You found a leak or a lot of standing water, had a small freak out, then perhaps called insurance. A handy man shows up and under that still glistening water is the dreaded mold. Then everything changed. The room was closed off and the big guys were called. The mold remediators. By this point you’ve realized it’s not a simple leak or quick fix. If you can relate, you know mold is not something you can put off or take lightly. If you’ve never had to deal with mold in your home then I truly hope you never have to but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something too. The air we breathe is a fundamental part of existence and yet we almost never think about it until we encounter a problem. At MES we’ve already done the heavy lifting of researching mold and understanding the latest technology to best take care of your home and business so you can rest assured that your space is safe and healthy, free of toxic airborne microbes; even mold, COVID, and influenza.
To better take care of our customers, we’ve come up with innovative ways to help keep your home safe. No one enjoys visiting the crawl space or those tiny attic spaces but regular maintenance and visits are important preventative measures to finding leaks or potential areas for mold to grow. Mold is a microbe that can be measured with air tests or simple particle counters that count the number and size of microbes that are present in any given area.
Our technology team has started the process of developing a particle counter (PC) that takes regular measurements of any given space in which it’s located. Our hopes are to create a program that will turn on air filters in a fan triggered by the particle counter detecting a certain number of particles or a certain size of particles (that may indicate the presence of poor air quality) in the air to filter and clean the air. Once the air has been tested and measured to a normal level the PC will turn off the fan. All of this information will be easily accessible through a program so MES and you, the customer, can keep track of what’s happening and why. This will not only save you the time and money of regularly checking those pesky small spaces but it also gives MES the opportunity to take preventative measures to keep mold away for good and during the cleaning process in a mold infested environment to thoroughly clean the space.
This technology, we hope, will have a big impact on spaces that are necessary to keep clean, like hospitals, day cares, and other emergency response companies. These fans could be a permanent fixture in high traffic areas to keep the air clean and our essential workers healthy.