For a few months now I’ve been sending out blogs that, ideally, inform and educate you more on topics related to mold and living a healthy lifestyle. We, at Midwest Enviro Solutions, want what’s best for our community and people that we serve; however after a time it only seems right to introduce you to the company and the people that make us Midwest Enviro Solutions. I’ll remain behind the blog for now. First I’d like to introduce you to our owner: Rick Allen.
Rick started this company very naturally. After 30+ years of experience in drywall and kitchen and bathroom remodeling, he saw a lot of mold problems that forced his work to stop so the mold guys could take over. If you’ve ever done a home diy project and enjoyed it, you can understand the desire to learn more so you can do it yourself later! That is part of what motivated Rick to learn more about mold and mold restoration. A friend, already in the mold industry, encouraged Rick to pursue this avenue into mold. Seeing the value to homeowners, as well as himself and his current company, sought to add this to his existing work, under the name RLA Maintanence. Once Rick was trained and learned more about the mold restoration business it was clear he enjoyed this more and about 8 years ago, officially started Midwest Enviro Solutions. It was the perfect marriage of all the skills he had acquired over numerous years of learning and hard work.
Rick continues to be a great leader and visionary for the company. In time he hopes to start a mobile air testing division that will allow an air tester to come to your property, collect the samples, and within their mobile lab: read and diagnose the samples to provide you with accurate and quick results to care for your home as quickly and safely as possible. Midwest Enviro Solutions is conintually developing new technology, under Rick’s leadership and ideas, to make the restoration process easier for everyone as well as technology that helps detect early signs of mold or water damage. The horizon is wide where mold is concerned and MES is working hard to spearhead new products to revolutionize the mold industry.
There is so much more that could be said about Rick and his diligent work to serve at MES. However I’d like to leave you with one note of advice from him. Entering into any home project that requires a contractor requires trust and Rick’s advice is to trust your contractor! It’s helpful to do your due diligence and read reviews to find a good fit. Once you’ve found your team, it’s important to trust their expertise and recommendations moving forward in the project. Especially where mold is concerned because it’s not regulated by the government there is a lot of room for opinions and for the mold professionals who work with this daily, it makes a big difference when their customers trust their judgement to give them the safest environment possible.